Wednesday 4 May 2016

The long-awaited day has arrived!

Hello my dear ones, how are you?
Today I will share with all of you a very special day in my life. You who have been following my posts from the beginning will understand; you who started reading recently, I invite you to read from the beginning in order to understand today’s post in full. All of you who follow the posts know what I’ve been through and fought for the life of my sister who for me has always been a daughter. Were years of struggle, a lot of tears, knees on the floor and many vows on the altar for her soul; and I can say that everything we do with God brings results. At the time it seemed an endless struggle, in the attempt to bring her to God, I didn’t always acted the best way, but of course the intention was always good.
Not always when we act in good faith it means that we are doing it correctly. Yeah! Then I found out that she had to go through her own deserts and make her own choice. It all depended on her! But as mothers we often do everything to protect our children and prevent them from reaping what they have sown, and we don’t let them mature and develop. When I started to let her reap the consequences of all that was wrong, she began to perceive the deep well she was sinking. I just gave it to God, and on the altar of the living God I made a vow and claimed her soul. My sacrifice cried out for me.
It was when I “left” her, she began to have this desire, this thirst and wanted to drink the same water I drank and she knew she would have to go to the source. I could not quench her thirst or drink for her. The time came and it hit her! She began to want this God with all her heart and understanding. The desire to serve this so wonderful and great God was born; and thanks to Him the day arrived as she was consecrated as a collaborator to this precious work that He gives us the privilege and honor to do.
I can tell you that it thrilled me because every tear that dropped on my face, was every step she took to the altar. A movie of every time she took those steps but manifested with demons passed on my mind; those minutes that seemed hours, when she had run away from home without saying anything, etc. ... so much! My soul was so happy and so grateful to God because her soul now belongs to him and He can use her in an extraordinary way. My father who has not yet converted, is the only one missing in the family, attended the entire service, and as the sacrifice for her brought results I am sure it will be done with it too.
Never but never give up on your family! A woman who prays and uses her faith on the Altar is more powerful than all hell together. Never give up on your dreams even if everyone says that it's useless, that you will not conquer it, it’s not worth it, etc. Who puts obstacles is hell, because for everything our God has a solution. MOTHER! Your child is not a hopeless case is a matter of time. This day will come to your life as well. I believe! And then you will share it with me and I insist that you send me pictures.
This time I will give you a task: let’s everyone share this post in order to reach all mothers, and leave your comment. Let’s go to hell to seek the soul of our children. Last Sunday was Mother's Day here in Portugal. I take this opportunity to send a very sweet kiss to all of you who always follow the posts. You are precious to God. A mother can never underestimate the power of prayer and that is daily. It will change the course of your child forever! I pray that your greatest goal for the life of your child is to take him to what is eternal.
Sweet sweets
Catia Rubim


Anonymous said...

To God be the glory when we achieved the perseverance,sacrifices we made!!!

Geraldine Gayaden of Hongkong

Anonymous said...

So inspiring...I will nevergive up fighting for my family...

Sheila Mo

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