Ziva had just woken up, little rays of sun was coming through the curtains of her room, she closed her eyes very hard and took a deep breath, “thank you God of Israel for one more day”; Ziva said jumping out of bed.
She looked around and saw that her younger brothers were sleeping; she approached them very carefully, not wanting to wake them. Ziva was the second daughter of a poor family in Israel, her father sold fruits in the town and her mother took care of the house and hand-embroidered dresses for the wealthiest families in the village.
Every day very early Ziva's older sister went to the cities well in search of water, and as usual Ziva went with her.
“Good morning little flower” – said Leila the older sister.
“Let me fix that hair” - Leila said combing and making a beautiful braid on Ziva’s hair. “Who knows and maybe you find a handsome young man in the well today” - said Leila playing with Ziva.
“Stop Leila! Before I get married you must marry first” - Ziva said with a laugh.
“My Daughters!” - Shouted the mother of the two who was cooking bread – “It’s time to go fast and not take long, I need water.”
“Mother, while Leila takes out the water from the pit, can I sit near Elisha the prophet, to hear the stories he tells about our God?”,
Ziva asked with an anxious face.
“You can my daughter! But do not go to far from your sister.”
“Leila! Be careful not to take long my daughter, your father heard yesterday in the market that the Syrian army is surrounding some of our lands.”
Ziva ran to the arms of her mother and kissed her, the two embraced tightly.
“I also want some!” - said Leila running to hug them.
Ziva left her home not imagining that it was the last time she would see her mother.
Arriving at the well, as usual Elisha the prophet was there, and many were coming to hear what he said, he was highly respected by all the people.
Ziva loved everything the prophet said, since she was very little she would come everyday to listen to him.
“Leila the prophet is there!” - Ziva said releasing her sister’s hand and running to where the prophet was.
“Be careful Ziva, I'll wait here; do not take too long” –
Leila said in a tone of voice full of authority.
This was Ziva’s mornings everyday, while her sister took the water from the well and spoke with some of the young girls of the city, she listened to the prophet and marveled at the miracles that God would do.
“Ziva!” - Exclaimed Leila – “Lets go, it's getting late! Help me with the pitchers. What did the prophet said today?” - Asked Leila.
“Did you know that the prophet raised someone from the dead?” - Ziva said with tears in her eyes.
“How so?” Asked Leila - With a surprised face.
“Yes! Today, the prophet said that one day he was in the city of Shunem, where a woman had a son who died, and the prophet prayed to God and the child resurrected!”
“Seriously Ziva! Our God is wonderful! And the prophet is a man of God!” - Leila said with a surprised look.
-“Leila, do you think one day God can use me to help someone who is suffering; I want to talk so much like the prophet!”
“Ziva are u dumb” - Leila said laughing at her sister.
In the distance shouts and a commotion was heard throughout the city, some people shouted - Run! The Syrians are here! Leila dropped the water jug that she was carrying in her head and held tightly to her sister, she was frightened and tried to run between people.
Several soldiers ran with their horses among the people, Leila felt her sister being pulled from her arms, but the pushed that she got was so strong she let go of Ziva falling heavily to the ground.
“This girl will serve to help the wife of my lord!” - Said the soldier with a rude voice grabbing Ziva by the arm.
“No!” Shouted Leila, rising from the floor and grabbing her sister. But the soldier hit her hard and Leila fell down as if dead.
Ziva began to mourn heavily, while the soldier tied her up in his horse. As they were leaving the city, Ziva looked at everything she was leaving behind, her heart was pounding. Where are they taking me? What about my family? What will become of me?
(Continues next Monday)
This is exactly what happen when we have in our heart to s tart serving God : we are given opportunities
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