Thursday, 28 September 2017

The story of my life 13: "The wonderful and pleasant news"


As I told you in the previous post I had received the Holy Spirit and was fighting to be raised as an assistant. It was not easy to be in the work of God. We had to prove that we really wanted it. It was not a joke or a simple momentary desire, it was something serious and I was aware of it. In February of 1994 I was raised as an assistant. Since I was aware of the great responsibility I received, I had to speak to my father. Although I was 18 at the time, I still lived with my parents and owed them respect and obedience. I had to make my decision known. I prayed before talking to my father. So one day when he was taking me to school, I took advantage of the opportunity of being alone with him, and said, “Father, I'm going to become an assistant.”

Since he did not go to church he did not know what that meant, so I explained to him, “I will help in the meetings and I will have to participate in all the vigils because I have assumed this responsibility and I will not fail.” He promptly replied, “If this is not going to get in the way of your studies, that's fine.” What a relief I felt! God prepared everything!

I really enjoyed counseling and evangelizing. I remember that I used to go to the Hospital of Aids too pray for the sick ones; I used to go to houses to rescue those who had left the church. We also evangelized in the streets, on the bus, knocking doors, and in the asylums. The church also had a strong social work. It distributed clothes and food and we always helped. The pastor always taught us that we had to cry for the souls and our love for them would increase, so I’d do it. On Sunday afternoon I would not go out with Joaquim, I would always evangelize. He would take me to church and say that he was waiting for me in the car. However this never happened. The Holy Spirit always bothered him and he always ended up going to evangelize as well. Some time later, during the week of the Holy Spirit, he was baptized with the Holy Spirit; and in April he was raised as an assistant. I was very happy and grateful to God! We were both in the same faith and serving God.

Our free time was dedicated to the church. We felt complete when helping people. He was a blessed assistant, and soon he received responsibilities in the Work of God. It made me very happy! Although many people of the church knew that we were dating, since when we started coming to the Universal Church we were already dating; we still kept our discretion. We did not hold hands inside of the church, nor did we had long conversations. Our courtship had always been respected. We had never been called attention for acting inappropriately. We were always careful to give a good testimony and to please God with our relationship. Our pleasure in serving was true and I did not imagine myself doing anything else. God had called me!

How about you, do you have the desire to be useful in the work of God?

What do you think of doing for those who suffer?

In the next post I will speak of an embarrassing situation that I lived. Let’s wait!


Anonymous said...

We will never ever meet. But I have followed your blog for many years. Due to challenges I stopped for a good few years. A good 4 years. Am at a good place in my life, I recently met a lady who has been having a new beginning likewise.
We got talking and your name came up. I came back to the blog and this time around the stories on this blog are not fairly tales. I have been in the ministry for years and now am where I serve. I understand what you have been say all these years as I live the life of loving souls.
It can not be explained but experienced to understand.
I found only one living person who has this passion for souls in this journey. We have to be called.
Thank you

ada said...

steroid satın al

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