Hello ladies, how are
you doing? I would like you to read with me a paragraph from a comment I read
last week:
"... In fact we should really put God's will first and
foremost. I had an experience this year in which I did not do that, because I
used my faith to do my own will, and
what I wanted to happen, even came to pass, because I used my faith, but then I felt the bitter taste of receiving
something that God did not approve of... " Yolanda
You know friends, sometimes we have a lot of faith to
conquer what our hearts desire. We do campaigns, vows, we even fight with God
for what we long for. But I ask you: Are you sure if what you want is the will
of God? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if what you want is in line with what God
wants for you? Do you even know what's good for you? What our friend Yolanda
wrote is very true. What is the point in having the faith to conquer so many
things if they are not God's will? What is the point in satisfying the desire
of the heart, if this achievement will come with a bitter taste, simply because
we did not know that we weren’t ready to receive it, or because it was just no
good for us.
When Jesus taught us how to pray, He said: "Your
kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven;” Matthew 6:10
And yet when He was about to die, He left us a lesson: "Father, if it is
Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be
done." Luke 22:42
The verse that sums up today's post: "Likewise the
Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for
as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings
which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of
the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the
will of God." Romans 8:26-27
There is nothing wrong with using your faith to achieve your
goals. We do have to use our faith every day, whether to conquer our dreams, to
preserve our salvation, to please God... but what I want to teach you today is
what I learned and what I practice daily: EVERYTHING that you desire, or want
to accomplish this year, ALWAYS PUT IN GOD'S HANDS so that, if it is GOD’S WILL
then, it will be done!
Do not insist on what God has shown is not good for you,
whether it is a job, a boyfriend that everyone told is not good for you, a
friend who is a negative influence influences in your life, whatever it is, if
God has shown you that something or someone is not good for you, do not insist,
because the consequences will be bitter. Learn to trust in God, for only He
knows what is best for you. Use your faith to achieve, what is God’s will, use
your faith to conquer what God has prepared for you. Do not trust your heart,
it will deceive you. Rely exclusively upon God and accomplish great things for
the honor and glory of our Lord.
Dear Yolanda, thank you for sharing your experience.
A big kiss to all and see you next week. Kisses.
Juliana Furucho
Translation by: Tatia Oliveira
Thank you Yolanda for sharing with us.Our thoughts can never be like God's so if I want to conquer something that will make me happy eventually then I should rely on God's will not my will. Kisses
Thank you, Sometimes you may even use your faith and will receive because you used you faith and God cannot owe us anything, but then you are now left with making a decision as to say this is blessing I fought to have through your faith and on the other hand it may not be God's will, you need see which is priority, doing your own will or doing the will of God.
It is not every good thing we think is good for us, God knows what is good for us and what will be beneficial to us, we do not see as He sees.
As much as we can sacrifice, make vows and or purposes of faith. The most important and priority is that Obedience will always be better that sacrifice. Obeying the voice of God that speaks soft and calmly inside of you, as much as we can try to force to do our own will, it will not succeed, because God has something different for you and not what you think is right or good.
I realised this the hard way but I am happy now, certain and relieved because I am going in His direction and will all the way use my Faith in what He wants from me.
Let us listen to that voice that speaks inside of your mind, the one that does not go away, the one that makes you stop and think and reason, maybe at the beginning you may not understand, but that is not for you to try and understand with time it the Holy Spirit will reveal but for now just trust and believe and act and hope in Him. The greatest decision of your life.
They are times when we fight to conquer something, then our instincts tells us otherwise...we keep on fighting and after we conquer that thing, everything goes wrong, we then starts to blame God. The best thing to avoid bad outcomes is to present everything to God, and He will help us realize our will. After all he is a loving and caring God, He knows whats best for us. Thanks Mrs. Tania....i will present my plans to God, and let His "Will" be the one that' lead.
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