Every woman that desires to truly be a woman of God, needs to look deep inside of herself and analyze her character and see if the qualities of Gods character are truly in her.
Today we are going to talk about humbleness, one of the characteristics that forms part of the character of those who belong to God.
We learn from our own Jesus Christ a great example of what it means to be humble, because He Himself, even though He was Lord of all things, came to this world as a servant and has given us the example of how to truly be humble.
But, if we are not being cautious, we can leave our humbleness and go into pride, very quickly, because bad things will always be there, in front and around, and at every moment, wanting to take control of everything, but we must dominate the situation. But there is still bad news, unfortunately, there are many people who aren't aware of their pride, because it has become such a habitual behavior, that they no longer realize it, they believe that they are just, that they are right, and they continue to act wrongly in their own self defense.
But, in the end, when is it that a person reveals their pride:
- When she demands that things go her way
- She doesn't accept to be taught anything or any type of correction
- She doesn't have an disposition to forgive someone who treated her badly or that harmed her.
- She feels superior to others
- She thinks she is irreplaceable
- She doesn't listen or obey to those who want to help her.
- She thinks she knows it all
- She makes mistakes but continues to believe she is always right.
"You decide"
"My sister and I help out my father in our family business, my sister is very smart and our father trusts her a lot, she even takes care of everything that has to do with administration. But many times it's very difficult to work with her, because day after day she demands that everything be done her way, she never admits to her own mistakes and when I point them out to her, it makes her very mad. She ignores me and doesn't talk to me for days. She likes to say that the business only grows and evolves because of her dedication, the worst part is that in front of our father she pretends to be humble, but she never really does things the way he asks her to do them, she always changes everything and does it her way. I don't know what to do, I don't know if I should get on het same level and begin to do everything my way, that way I won't be left behind. Please, help me with this situation, because I don't know what to do any longer."
I think you can talk all you want and your sister will never change. You cannot do what your sister is doing, but the opposite and she will sooon copy your ways. I would tell her that she is controlling and very manipulative at times people need to hear the truth.
What you said here Mrs Tania is very strong,thank you so much for this indication and will help me too to check myself really if i'm not what is mentioned here..
Busie - R.SA
Hi Mrs. Tania! Thank you for the message. Humbleness is only fairly understood by people who know how to humble themselves before God, I think. Because humbleness comes from the understanding of our human condition that there is Someone greater than us. I like the way the article enumerated examples of humbleness in character. Thank you Ma'am for reminding me once again today of what makes a spirit so beautiful in addition to all the other good qualities. Humbleness is a prime. Lucifer fell because he did not have this.
-Melody H, UCKG
Hi Mrs Tania,
It is very important that we constantly check ourselves daily. It's so easy to become so proud that we become insensitive to others needs and feelings.
Over time, I learned to be humble, as I used to be so proud to seek for help. I used to feel that I could do things on my own but I now rely on God's wisdom.
Thank you for such a powerful message.
Hi Mrs Tania
Thank you for this teachings and what comes into my mind when reading this message is that when one is not humble i believe pride makes one to be out of God's presence just like it happens to the devil (lucifer).
Thank you again and may God bless you.
Charlotte (RSA,JHB)
Hey Mrs Tania,
Thanks this message is really strong for me... As its impossible to serve God whilst being proud!
There was a time when I was proud, and thought there was something extra special about me and I was better. I even forgot that I was only where I was by the grace of God and started to think I'm the one who brought me there... In the end God had no other choice but to humiliate me publicly so I would learn my lesson and keep my heart in its place.
It was a hard time but now I can't even see myself getting into that state again.
"God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" James 4.6
Hello Mrs. Tania,
I agree with you, if we are not cautious we can fall into pride very very quickly. This post helped me a lot to look inside myself. And to change things around a whole lot. Thanks God bless
Dear Mrs Tania
The message is so powerful,the first step one should take is to examine herself.and accept correction,to be at Jesus feet we need to be humble and to go up need to go down.
Thank you.
Dear mrs Tania
The message is really strong. The opposite of humbleness is pride, and we all know the results of pride; Lucifer lost his place in Heaven because of pride and he became the devil. and if we want to be great we should humble ourselves. The Bible say's in the book of Mathew 23:11-12 " The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Thank you
God bless
Yes, it is really true you have to be humble to see when you are being proud but if you cant be humble you will always be proud because you only want to see and know what you want or what seems good for you but not what the truth really is because of your pride.
thanks for the message because many times we think that we are in the right position but not know the pride is always around us and we must learn to be humble all the times no matter the situation because some situation forces us to be proud and this is very dangerous so we must always be alert
Jesus was humble to the point of death, he was never a sinner but he died as a sinner he never considered himself better, when we are humble we show the character of Jesus
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