Saturday, 10 March 2012


Would you throw away your trash and then bring it back into your home? Of course not. Then don’t do the same with your spiritual life, after taking out so much trash, like hate, lies, idolatry, don’t go back and bring those things back into your life.

Many people who one day were doing well and being used by God, today have fallen for that very same reason and you very well know that trash smells, and the more time passes, the worse it smells, it’s to say, a person needs to quickly get rid of all the trash because soon the bad fruits will begin to appear. And so you think “ Wow, what a shame! That person seemed to be so sincere, so near to God.”

But then you realize that, that person took back into her life all the things she had once thrown out and now her interior is rotten. She will have to do some deep cleaning from within and take out all the trash once again to be clean before God.

“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” James 1:21

“Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1


Anonymous said...

This is where we need to be careful and watchout

Mariella Antialon said...

This helps us understand that many times we think after we think we left a lot of things that are wrong, we think we are being good. That is enough for God to bless us. But many people do not realize that we need to get rid of the "trash" completly.

Nancia London said...

This is very true Mrs.Tania. I have come to realize how easy it is to take back in the trash we threw away.
This message will serve as a great reminder to me when am tempted and aslo that I should be extra careful not to go back to the dump site and recollect my thrown away garbage.I should always keep the rubbish(gossip,anger ect) out and aim to always have the best air freshner in (Spirit of God).
Thanks for this message.

jace said...

I never really looked at it this makes a lot of sence. after giving up so much to recieve the Holy Spirit, why let those things(trash), come back in? we need to care for what we recieved most important.

Tamara Mjandana said...

Dear Mrs. Tania

We should understand that when we come to Gos it has to be forever, like a marriage and whatever we have sacrificed we can no longer have again.

Thank you.

Lluvial Godfrey said...

For a person who is yet to take out the trash, they need to do it quickly before it starts to smell bad and become a breeding ground for more germs. For a person who has already done so, they need to make sure that the trash is never taken back so they need to make sure it has been gotten rid of. If the rubbish we threw away comes back then it will be far worse than before.

Bulelwa said...

It is very esay to forget about God where he took us so we cannot go to the same life we use to live before God clean us.

Coceka Sive Jezile said...

I think that we should think with our mind,not with the feelings,so that when we make the decision of caming to God it maybe for ever and that we dont have to look back but look forward

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Tanya
Each person is like a cup and when the cup is full of dirty water then nobody would want to drink from it, but when you empty out your impurities then you leave a chance for God to fill you with everything wonderful.
Glory Isobe
Croydon Branch

Anonymous said...

It's so true we wouldn't want to leave trash in our room, as it will stink the environment. The same in our lives, the trash represents anything that doesn't please God, for sure it will effect the people around us e.g family, friends etc. The same way we easily notice that the trash stinks, we should also examine our life that it doesn't become trash or if it is we should immediately throw it away. We should do this daily, as we take out trash in a daily basis!

Micheline Kawende

Jennifer said...

People do this without realising what they have acutally done, i.e. Put food waste into their mouths. We only throw away what is not good, right? In the same way spiritually, we keep ourselves pure and only eat and drink spirtually what is good. When a person allows hatred, gossip, rebellion, laziness, etc back intio their lives, they have gone to the trash, took back the rubbish and ate it. This is horrble, but that's what's happened. The only thing that can clean the person thoroughly is when the person cries out for help because he is sick, and invites the Holy Spirit to help him to become well.

Emily Rubio said...

what I understood from this paraghaph was that in our spiritual life we donot need to bring all that stinkyness back to our heart once we have already thowened it out of our heart because maybe it could even become worst than usual

Anonymous said...

This helps us to be more vigilant and not to let the things that rotten us to come back into us, we need to make sure that the trash is out completely from our lives.

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