Be before doing
She says she wants to do the work of God on the altar, but she acts like she doesn’t really want to.
Lets see some actions that show the following:
- She doesn’t evangelize
- She only comes to church, Wednesdays and Sundays
- When she does come to the meetings, she spends more time outside than inside.
- She doesn’t attend to the people in the church
- She doesn’t involve herself in anything in the church, she doesn’t belong to any group, she isn’t interested in being in the youth group, Kids Zone, groups of rescuing other souls, she doesn’t want any responsibility to not be attached to anything.
- When she has time off, she doesn’t give that time to God, she prefers to go out with friends or do anything else.
- She is always in the moon, daydreaming, she never knows what is going on in the church and never participates in any of the purposes.
- She seeks an opportunity to escape, to do some kind of errand outside of the church to escape from the meeting.
To resume it all, we can see a person with this behavior not ready to do the Work of God on the Altar.
Those who have the desire to serve God act like they are already doing the work of God, even if they study or work, they give themselves completely when they come to church. All of their time off is dedicated to God; she wants to do everything possible to help. She shines in the meeting, not because she wants to be seen, but because of her dedication and love for the people.
Everyone can see she is different, and even though she is not married to a pastor yet, she already forms part of the altar.
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. " 2 Timothy 2:15
I find this soo helpful =D
This is so true but yet so sad because many claim to want to serve God when in actual fact they want to serve themselves, to say something is completely different from doing something but everybodyknows you action speaks louder then your words.
Thank you
Puleng Ngoato (Brixton UK)
Hi Mrs. Tania
Thank you very much for sharing this post. This is really helpful for us. I understand and learned that it is a calling to serve God on the altar and even if God will not call us to serve as a pastor's wife, we can still do the same things to serve Him with all our strength and willingness to do His work to save many souls for His Kingdom.
Amen, I will never forget or once what pastor once said free I received freely I give. When I came to the church I received, what i have I share.
Dear Mrs Tania
Its true, those who have the desire to serve God on the altar, act like if they are already on the altar because their heart, soul and mind are already there even though she is not married to a Pastor yet.
I remember when I was single, I would not stay at home, any free time I had I would be in the church, cleaning evangelising, doing something for God, and He blessed me with a wonderful man of God.
Kisses to everyone…..
Dear Mrs Tania
Yes, when I have a desire to do the work of God I will do it practically without been pushed or forced by anyone. I will dedicate my life and time to do what is expected from me and also avail myself to His work as this will becoming from my heart.
Thank you
God bless
Dear Mrs Tania
The lord want us to serve him with all of our heart and with all of our souls really we must have the desire to serve him in order for us to remain in Him
With love
A woman who want to serve God on the altar must act in a way of showing interest in the things of God.Those who act in the way that is different no pleasing God they wo n't be accepted on the altar,those who want to serve God on the altar must be dedicated to God and be willing to help the people of God
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