Thursday 23 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real time: The woman adulterous, repentance

To end this series, I would like to talk about the adulterous woman.
The situation was very tense, the scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman caught in adultery.
They were all around her and she was scared in the center of it all, about to be condemned.
According to Moses law should stone her for her sin. In fact, they were looking for an opportunity to criticize the Lord Jesus, if He agreed with the death penalty, they would question His infinite mercy, and if He forgave her then they’d accuse Him of disobeying Moses law.
Jesus wisely left the decision in their hands and said: "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
All of them were accused by their own conscience, and they left one by one, leaving only Jesus and the woman.
Then she heard these words, which brought great relief: “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” John 8:1-8
Whatever your past may be, or the mistakes that you’ve already committed, know that the forgiveness of God is within your reach.
Do not condemn yourself. When there is true repentance, God is merciful to forgive.
Do not look at your accusers, they can do nothing but look at one that has the power to forgive sins.
Many people who were once in the presence of God and fell into temptation, do not have the strength to return, perhaps they are embarrassed by what others will say, or because they feel accused or simply because they think they do not deserve God's forgiveness, because they failed Him.
That burden is too heavy for you, let Him heal your wounds.
Do not waste time, now is your time, the Lord Jesus is waiting to tell you: “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”


L.J. said...

mrs. tania
i have to ask you a question? about 4 month ago i served god and i did something really stupid and i fell and when the pastor asked me about it. i lied and he knew that i was lying and i know i disappointed him. because he has faith in me that i had changed. and i was removed and now i am back in the right track and i want to go back in serving again like i use to. but it isn't that i scared but i feel like the pastor doesn't believe that i really want to serve and i don't know what to do? you think you could give me some advice. thank you and god bless

Tania Rubim said...

Keep fighting because God will honor your faith, HE knows what's in your heart, if you are really repented, He will give you another chance.

Anonymous said...


I too faced what you are going through in a sense I had to prove myself to God and above all to myself that I was no longer the same. It was not easy the battle was hard but that period of hardship moulded me in such a great way that today I not the same assistant I was before, today I am a completely different person. God saw that I had changed from the inside out and that is when He called me to serve Him not again but as though it were the first time. Don't expect it to come easy because if it does, you may not value it as much as you would when you truly fight for it with all you have. I say this because I have faced it not long ago it's been a 1 year, 2months since God raised me to serve Him. Stay strong and make the difference.

River Rock Church Philippines said...


I would like to use this image in a book I'm writing, Get Up God Is Not Finished With You!

Thank you, Steve Bragg

charity said...

Sometimes Iam amazed at the way Jesus answers questions especially when the Pharisees attempt to test him,he answer with wisdom and leave them with no space for a comment,that how the devil need to be treated we should not allow him to have a space in our minds

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