Tuesday 12 May 2015

Permissive Mother

Hi darlings, as we have learned with these topics, I myself have learned a lot and above all, I have sought the courage to put them into practice.

This type of mother thinks that being kind is doing everything that her kids want, forgetting that she is contributing in forming unbalanced children. Little by little, she is going to ruin her family, since her children do not see any firmness in her. Have you stopped to think of how the lack of principles has taken families to lose their sense of morality?
It seems to be an image of a society that has lost its course, and we have seen the disastrous consequences.

The moral, personal, social, intellectual permissiveness has become something natural, in a society where the mothers do not implement limits, “It’s worth everything”.

The mother plays a fundamental role in this act of change; she cannot be complacent with the mistakes that plague her family in her home. If there is something wrong, it is necessary to assess in the home and try to understand and asses how to deal with a situation. An open dialog is always a vehicle to leave each situation in its proper place.

The objective of media and propaganda is precisely to influence and even to dictate the rules inside of the families, where many mothers are giving in to so much modernism and facility, mirroring values completely contrary to Scriptures.

Even in our house, we can transform the culture and the values, it only depends on us, many times we do not realize the influence that we have in the life of our children, whether positively or negatively. You and I have to protect our family. For us who are of God, all things are lawful, but we must only take advantage of what is good and remove the things that harm our beliefs. For you mother, who still did not have a real encounter with God and does not have a philosophy of life, start to think as a transformed woman that influences for the greater good! Everything we reap here depends on our decisions. Be firm influencing your children with good habits, so that in the future, they will not be our shame.
Just as the prayer of a mother has a lot of strength, in the same way it is with the word, so don’t take back your word, your children observe all of your actions, they are testing your permissiveness, the more tolerant you are the farther they will go, because you are forming in their mind, that the wrong life they choose is perfectly normal.
After all, the person that they have as a reference, which is us mothers, or at least should be, even collaborates with those choices, a mother never forgets, you do not need to be permissive to conquer your children, you need to be of God, for Him to show you the true principles and values, and so they will not forget them.
Leave your comment here, if you have an experience to share, a doubt, a suggestion that you would like to be addressed, feel free to do so.
We are a family, and together we are stronger, let’s put each lesson into practice, so we can generate a new mentality, and we will reap the fruits of this renewed mind.

I leave you with the following Word:
“The blessings of the Lord, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it”.

Next week we will talk about another type of mother.
Sweet kisses. Until then!
Catia Rubim


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