This is my little dog, Dot, he is wonderful, he’s always kind and he’s a good companion, and today I am going to tell you about him, because it’s possible to learn so much even about animals.
Dot, is very close to me, and even when he is very cozy and comfortable in his little bed, he doesn’t care about his comfort, if he sees that I am headed to another part of the housed, he quickly forgets his comfort and follow me wherever I go.
How many times do we not want to leave our comfort zone? We say we love God so much, but we still live that tiny life, the same attitudes, the same habits, even thought we know they will only harm us.
If we don’t step out of our comfort zone, we will never grow, even though it’s a great struggle against our own flesh, if we don’t we will remain comfortable, but always stuck in the same place.
If your shyness doesn’t allow you to speak about Jesus, and you don’t force yourself to overcome this just because you don’t like to speak to strangers, if you don’t dominate your way of being and prefer to always explode with those around you to be happy, if you never sacrifice your will, because you believe that changing your attitudes and behavior will hurt too much and on top of that you don't step out of your comfort zone, because you rather stay in your little world, "protected", how do you think you will ever be used by God?
If a little dog doesn't care about leaving his comfort just to follow his owner. Imagine how much more we should do to follow Jesus.
God desires to share many things with us, but for that, we must leave our comfort zones and go against our ego.
dot is sooooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeee lol
thanks for sharing this with us mrs. tania I am happy I came here because this shows me why I don't grow sometimes and what I have to do if I want to see a change in my life I have to come out of my comfort zone and then I will get to my promise land to my goal and my target and I was thinking as well for me to come out of my comfort zone I have to be strong and courageous just as God commanded Joshua and the people of Israel to be when they had to leave their comfort zone.
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