Monday 6 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real times: Esther, value

Pretty dresses, beauty sessions, etiquette classes, and delicious dishes, all a girl could dream for. The girls had big expectations to fill, who would win the beauty contest? Who would be able to reach the heart of the great Xerxes, king of Persia?
Esther could not imagine that from that day on her life would change forever; she was destined for the throne. No one imagined, but the chosen one was the orphan Jewish girl raised by her cousin.
Esther was beautiful, she feared God, and she was strong, brave and determined. It is true that now she lived in the palace with all these benefits, but her heart was grasped to those things.
A trap was being prepared against the Jews and God had to act, but whom could He count with?
Ester with her admirable and courageous faith, was the only link between the king and the people.
Following God's direction, she saved her people from a certain death that was to come, putting her own life at risk when she broke the protocol of the courts, presenting herself to the king without being called.
Her most famous phrase "And if I perish, I perish", made this woman a hero.
God used Esther to fulfill His plan, as the queen she was the only person that God could use to save the people of Israel from destruction.
And you, how far are you willing to go to complete Gods’ Plan?
Things are not always clear, more often then not we do not understand the situations we are put in, and why certain things happened or are happening, but God works that way.
Regret and making yourself the victim doesn’t help. Look at the example of Esther, had lost her parents she did not have anyone in this world except the cousin who raised her, but her faith in the God of Israel made the difference.
Do not think about your past, or the bad luck that you’ve had, or injustices that you’ve already suffered.
No matter the circumstances, place, or what people say, look ahead; use your faith, because when God acts, who can stop Him?
No human force has the power.


Unknown said...

Thank, Mrs Tania for this post !
I really enjoy and need it!
ready to practice :))

Unknown said...

It's incredible how Esther was used in the plan of God, everything was already planned in advance, and Esther has been up of what God expected of her! She has lived the dream of every young girl but she has not lost her faith and her beliefs all on the way: I'm certain that lots of girls wanted to highlight their strengths and charms of seduction to marry the king Some even due do things that displease God, all that to be chosen by the king. But Esther did not prided herself because she was beautiful, she has remained faithful to God and put everything in His hands. That's why she was chosen. She made ​​the difference by exhaling the perfume of God.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Tania, I really like this post, as it showed me that God always exalts the humble and he also make the small to become big putting to shame those people that ever doubted them. thank you for sharing this post with us.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Tania
look how God work he choose a woman who was Israelite to save his people, God only need one person to save a nation. If we allow God plan to happen in our life our life it would be such blessing, but some time we want to tell the Holy Spirit on how to do his Job. God is not complicated we are, we need to stop looking on our past what happen it happen good or bad we should move on and gain experience from that no to live on that life

she had to prepare herself to be come this woman GOD wants her to be, she believe on a leaving GOD, and God did not failed her but honoured her

Ruth Airosa UK (LONDON)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Tania,
I think that being part of God's plan is the best thing anyone can do with their lives, who best to show you what to do and how to conquer in all your battles, who else to guide you into all truths and reveal to you the path of righteousness? Nobody! people shouldn't fight to be part of any girl group or gangs for young people but rather fight to be part of God's plan.
Puleng Ngoato (BXT uk)

Unknown said...

'how far am i willing to go to complete God's plan" - is a question that i have to constantly ask myself, God's plan or God's will is always the best - the most important thing is to be available for his plan to be materialised just like what Esther did.

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