Thursday, 30 September 2010

Why don’t I have friends?

Many people have difficulty making friends, others seem to push people away by the way they are or act.
See if you have any of these characteristics, which can cause people to not want to be your friend.
1 - Shyness - if you have difficult approaching people, talking, then it is difficult to make friends.
2 - Selfishness - the person who thinks only of herself, only wants to receive and never give, this person will never be a good friend
3 -Criticizes – to criticize everything your friend’s do is very unpleasant. Be understanding and don’t judge
4 - Inconsideration - when your friends need you most, you're never to there for them, in reality you just want to share the good times and you’re never there when the going gets tough.
5 - Annoying - always making rude comments that hurt your friend’s feelings and that are out of place.
6 - Boring – Never agreeing with anything, not being enthusiastic, always wanting to contradict with what’s happening.
7 – Not being open to new friends - what you want is to have one friend, you close yourself to new friends and you don’t allow other people in.
8 – Being super suspicious - perhaps because you had a bad experience in the past, and now you do not trust anyone, you think nobody can offer you a sincere friendship, but that everyone is out to get you, use you and make you suffer.
9- Indiscretion- for being indiscreet, you are not trustworthy, and for this reason people don't want to be your friend.
10- Moody- Nobody enjoys being around someone who is always in a bad mood, it's very unpleasant to share time with someone like this, she never smiles, be careful behavior like this pushes people away from you.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real time: The woman adulterous, repentance

To end this series, I would like to talk about the adulterous woman.
The situation was very tense, the scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman caught in adultery.
They were all around her and she was scared in the center of it all, about to be condemned.
According to Moses law should stone her for her sin. In fact, they were looking for an opportunity to criticize the Lord Jesus, if He agreed with the death penalty, they would question His infinite mercy, and if He forgave her then they’d accuse Him of disobeying Moses law.
Jesus wisely left the decision in their hands and said: "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
All of them were accused by their own conscience, and they left one by one, leaving only Jesus and the woman.
Then she heard these words, which brought great relief: “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” John 8:1-8
Whatever your past may be, or the mistakes that you’ve already committed, know that the forgiveness of God is within your reach.
Do not condemn yourself. When there is true repentance, God is merciful to forgive.
Do not look at your accusers, they can do nothing but look at one that has the power to forgive sins.
Many people who were once in the presence of God and fell into temptation, do not have the strength to return, perhaps they are embarrassed by what others will say, or because they feel accused or simply because they think they do not deserve God's forgiveness, because they failed Him.
That burden is too heavy for you, let Him heal your wounds.
Do not waste time, now is your time, the Lord Jesus is waiting to tell you: “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real times: Sapphira, influence

Sapphira was the wife of Ananias, they formed part of the early church in Jerusalem.
Voluntarily they agreed to sell some properties and give the full amount to help the church.
But when they had the money in their hands, their hearts were filled with greed and together decided that they would only give part of what they had promised and not the total value.
The apostle Peter questioned Sapphira on her joint collaboration, and she lied, saying they had given everything.
Her ending was sad, as was her husbands, as both died because of their dishonesty.
One influenced the other to be unfaithful and they both reaped the fruit of that decision.
How have you influenced the people around you?
Your husband, your friends, your neighbors, what have you been for them, a good or a bad influence?
We must never agree with the bad things that are displeasing to God, much less encourage others to do them.
How many women have influenced their husbands in a negative way? And he ends up making decisions taken by the words of his wife.
How many young people are involved in a world of addictions’, influenced by their so-called "friends"? How many people are influenced in their actions by modern society, by what they see on television or in magazines?
Do not be fooled by subtle words, be careful not to be an accomplice of evil.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real time: The Gentile (Canaanite) woman, perseverance

I couldn’t finish this series “Women of the Bible in real times” without talking about the Gentile woman also known as the Canaanite woman. The Bible does not mention her name, but we have much to learn from her.
The Canaanites were an enemy of the Jewish people; they had different beliefs and customs.
She certainly had heard of the miracles Jesus had done and she went off to look for Him. Her daughter was sick and she needed a solution urgently.
There were many barriers that were in her way to reach Him, but her faith and courage was stronger than any preconception.
Jesus at first ignored her, but she insisted and heard this answer: "It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.”
With these words, one might expect her to allow her feelings to emerge and overwhelm her, to turn around and just leave. Giving up is always the easiest path.
Although, she was aware that she was truly not worthy, she persevered because she knew that He alone had the solution and very humbly said, "That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.”
The Lord Jesus was astonished with so much faith and had to bless her.
We women are usually very sentimental, we can be full of faith, and perseverance, but suddenly we allow our emotions to emerge and within seconds everything goes downhill.
Rude words, a reprimand, a lack of attention, are reasons enough to sadden us and leave us feeling devastated.
We cannot allow our emotions to annihilate our faith.
How many people haven’t already abandoned their faith because of little things? Because someone didn’t say good morning, or he or she turned their face and did not answer them, and because of something so insignificant they missed out on their miracle.
Imagine if the Gentile woman had gotten mad, with the "no" she received from Jesus, her daughter would have never been healed.
Living by faith is being immune to all these things that try to prevent us from reaching our blessings and are just there to divert our attention.
Take this into account, be a woman of iron and not of glass.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real time: Martha and Mary, hospitality

People always talk about the story of Martha and Mary, as if one was the villain and one was the good girl.
But let's analyze well what we can learn from both of them.
The Lord Jesus was used to resting at the house of this family when He went to Bethel, what a great privilege, for sure He had a great affection for them and felt welcomed in their home.
Mary, who showed a great hunger for spiritual things right away, placed herself at the feet of Jesus.
She forgot everything to be with Him, there was nothing that could distract her; she could and would not miss this opportunity.
Marta liked taking care of housework; preparing meals, leaving everything in order for her guests, she was truly hospitable.
Imagine receiving the Lord Jesus in your home, she wanted everything to be perfect, and you can understand her, can’t you?
That’s why Martha was angry when she saw that her sister did not help in anything.
The Lord Jesus had to interfere, and in a loving way rebuked Martha, but He was not criticizing her concern for the service she wanted to provide or rejecting her generous hospitality.
He just wanted her to realize her priorities, putting spiritual things first and to not criticize Mary’s choice.
Some time later when her brother Lazarus died, Martha showed she had great faith in Jesus, believing He had the power to resurrect Lazarus, as He did.
Nowadays with so many tasks, we must watch not to leave aside our time with God.
Not that we are going to leave our home cluttered, but there is time for everything.
I know sometimes there is nobody to help, and we have many obligations to fulfill, but in the end of the day to make a quick prayer just to clear our conscious, only makes us feel like we are not giving our best to God.
Maybe you have changed your time with God to be on the Internet, to watch television or talk on the phone hours, and when you look at the clock you realize there is no time left for your spiritual life.
It is in these moments that we make the wrong choice, giving preference to so many other things and we forget the most important.
Let’s have the qualities of Martha, but never abandon Mary’s good choice.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real times: Mary, a servant

God needed a special woman, for a glorious mission.
Not that she could not have flaws like any other human being, or had to be a princess or a girl of royal family, and much less famous.
In fact, God was not looking for a pretty appearance; he was looking toward the heart.
So, what qualities should this woman have so that God could use her to fulfill His plan of salvation?
Without doubt, confidence, humility, loyalty, willingness to be used, a life that pleased God and a heart completely given to Him.
God found that in Mary, in a time when sinners were stoned. Mary, who was not yet married to Joseph, agreed to be an instrument in God's hands and said "yes", although her boyfriend and even society probably misinterpreted it.
How to become pregnant without being married yet?
But since God is perfect and thinks even of the smallest detail, everything happened in a way that Mary would never suffer, after all she was obeying.
She showed faith, obedience and strictly followed the plan of God.
She went through complicated situations, she became a fugitive because they wanted to kill Jesus, and after many years she had to attend His crucifixion for the sins of the world. That was painful, but soon she felt the joy of seeing Him resurrected.
Mary was spiritual, because although she was used for our Lord to come into the world, she was able to understand and recognize Him as the Son of God and became His loyal follower.
Do not worry if you come from a poor family, if you had the opportunity to study, if you're an ordinary person who has no position or titles, or if nobody takes you into account.
That makes you feel despised and useless for any task.
Do not forget, God does not see as man sees. The man looks at the outside, but God sees the heart.
And if yours loves and pleases God, He will use you as he used Mary.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Women of the Bible in real times: Esther, value

Pretty dresses, beauty sessions, etiquette classes, and delicious dishes, all a girl could dream for. The girls had big expectations to fill, who would win the beauty contest? Who would be able to reach the heart of the great Xerxes, king of Persia?
Esther could not imagine that from that day on her life would change forever; she was destined for the throne. No one imagined, but the chosen one was the orphan Jewish girl raised by her cousin.
Esther was beautiful, she feared God, and she was strong, brave and determined. It is true that now she lived in the palace with all these benefits, but her heart was grasped to those things.
A trap was being prepared against the Jews and God had to act, but whom could He count with?
Ester with her admirable and courageous faith, was the only link between the king and the people.
Following God's direction, she saved her people from a certain death that was to come, putting her own life at risk when she broke the protocol of the courts, presenting herself to the king without being called.
Her most famous phrase "And if I perish, I perish", made this woman a hero.
God used Esther to fulfill His plan, as the queen she was the only person that God could use to save the people of Israel from destruction.
And you, how far are you willing to go to complete Gods’ Plan?
Things are not always clear, more often then not we do not understand the situations we are put in, and why certain things happened or are happening, but God works that way.
Regret and making yourself the victim doesn’t help. Look at the example of Esther, had lost her parents she did not have anyone in this world except the cousin who raised her, but her faith in the God of Israel made the difference.
Do not think about your past, or the bad luck that you’ve had, or injustices that you’ve already suffered.
No matter the circumstances, place, or what people say, look ahead; use your faith, because when God acts, who can stop Him?
No human force has the power.
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