Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Power of prayer

Today I want to share with all of you, something very special that I’ve experienced over the years. How many times have problems come up, bad news reached our way and some become anxious, feel anguished and depressed and even think that there is no way out or that they’ll be able to handle the situation.

Nobody is immune to problems or receiving bad news, or being misunderstood, the difference is in how much we depend on God in those moments.

You can either choose to kneel down and pray or allow desperation to dominate you and in the long run you end up suffering more for not having depended on divine intervention and thinking that all was lost.

I’ve been through so many situations in my life that it seemed as if there was no going back, no solution to that problem, but prayer made the impossible happen.

It’s so marvelous when we pray and God moves everything into place and to see the answer and solution to what we once thought was lost.

Don’t forget that there is a constant battle between good and evil and only the power of prayer can dissipate evil and make God take action, you can’t see it but God’s angels are working in your favor.

Friends, if you are going through a rough situation, and it seems like the your world has fallen, pray, don’t allow yourself to fall, kneel to pray and not to cry, maintain strong and firm in your faith, and the answer will come, do you doubt it?

I doubt the answer won’t come…

"Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock."

Isaiah 26:4


Anonymous said...

I was a person that used to worry a lot when situations came. I would loose sleep and eat myself to death. This all changed when I started believing the word of God and holding onto it. It has not been easy but I have peace and a sound mind.

Love you lots Tania.

Emily rubio said...


Unknown said...

true Mrs. Tania , i use to be a person that want always give God a little help , and i always end up get hurt , today i give all in God's hands and i see that is the only and right way to fight is get in my knees, and i learnt that God doesn't need any help , i should wait and trust Him.

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