Thursday 30 December 2010

“I do”

These words marked a crucial point in my life. After pronouncing those two words “I do”, I was no longer single, I would no longer live in my parents house but now I would share my life with the person who took me to the altar, with everything that means.
We were both aware that starting that day our lives would drastically change, now we had an alliance, all the responsibility was on us, we had obligations with each other. Our happiness was and still depends on our fidelity to the vow we mad to each other on our wedding day.
Why are so many marriages going down the drain? Why does on half of the marriage not honor the compromise? Because there is no fidelity, no respect. The person continues to go out with his or her friends without caring about the other half; the person makes decisions thinking solely about him or her. Absolutely no satisfaction is given with these attitudes and so things cannot function this way.
This is exactly what happens when we decided to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts and say: “ I do accept you in my life”
Everything changes, we cannot accept Jesus and continue living the same life we did before, without rules, with disobedience, loving the things of this world, living as if you have no obligation to your faith. You cannot be faithful to God only when things are going according to plan, but instead we need to be faithful in any and every situation.
We need to assume our part of the compromise so that we can see results. Many haven’t seen anything occur in their spiritual life or their physical life, because they accepted to “marry” God, but they continue living as if they are still single.


Izamar Romero said...

It's a life changing commitment

Camila said...

Hello Mrs. Tania, if we say we "married" Jesus, and continue living a life of "single", we will end up as people who get married and divorce after some time. But in this case we are the only ones to loose. Thank you for this post.

Raisa Veras said...

This is true Mrs. Tania. Just like a married life takes commitment to see positive results, being married to Jesus takes the same commitment to see his Power in our lives

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