Chameleon Christian
After much talk about character, we wonder whether in practice we show the character of God.
The person, who has the character of God, possesses it at all times and in any situation. But, what have we seen?
Many express a good character when all is well, when everything is favorable, when it is in their comfort zone, in short, when no one invades their world.
But, as soon as something happens, their reprimanded, receives a scorn, humiliated or criticized the person soon after shows who she really is, her character changes according to situations.
Now, let's be honest, those who have the character of God, can it be one way when everything is to your liking, and have a different behavior when going through the desert?
I would like to talk about Saul and David, both, each in their moment, had been anointed by God, so far there is no difference, but pay attention to both of their behavior when they passed through the desert. Saul became angry, aggressive, jealous and a bad character to the point of wanting to kill David.
Meanwhile, David was being persecuted without a cause, never expressing hatred, anger or vengeance against Saul, on the contrary, having the opportunity to kill him he did not.
Notice the big difference, Saul turned, but David continued to be the same person as always, for he had the character of God.
Let's reflect on what has been our demeanor:
- you are the same with everyone, or do you change your behavior depending on the person?
- you are the same in church, and when you are at home with your husband or your parents?
- you continue to maintain your character as a woman of God when passing through the desert, or do you manifest great anger, speak badly of people and thirst for revenge?
- you are the same person before the authorities of the church, what about when you are alone or with friends?
- you fulfill your commitments, or do you spend on unnecessary things and then not have a way to pay?
- you keep your word or depending on the situation you change what you said?
- you have been humble to learn or does everything have to be your way?
There are many questions, so that we can meditate on each of them and know who we really are.
Do not forget friends, those who have the character of God have it anywhere and in any situation.
The character shows who is of God and who is not.
i used to be a chameleon, i would change with the situation, now i know who i am and have lost friends.
i use to keep my opinion and just complain , now i learnt to speak and solve what i have to solve and is done, when i go home i don't have to complain because i did what i had to do and give the opportunity to the other person speak and settle everything at that moment, and move on.
I am grateful to have read about this post, it made me reflect on my characters outside the church and got me realised how i need to really work on how i display myself outside and be faithful to God all the times and anywhere, thanks for posting this mrs.
This post made me meditate on my life if I am really having the character of God, and I must admit I have to fight more to have this character of God.
This post actually make me begin to think about myself and the question that stood out to me was "are the same in church, and when you are at home with your husband or your parents?" As sometimes I see in myself that I listen to my parent and everythink but sometimes the attitude I will have to doing certain things is not the same as in church. As sometimes at home I may complain but in church I don't do that, so I have to make sure that I am careful about the way may character may change because when you do things for god your character should always remain the same.
Thank you MRS Tania for this message because it teaches us about being true to yourself and to God ,we should demonstrate the character of God everywhere we go not in church even our family members they must see true man or woman of God ,we must live in disguise.
Good day.
What i think is that God is the only one who can see into the depths of anyone's heart,He knows everything that happens to us both good and bad. Still our story can either make us grow into Saul or David,bitter or positive. Even victims have choices. No matter how much we have been wronged,sinned against,gone through an injustice,made a mistake we still have the power to choose the attitude of our heart. If we cast ourselves on God's capable arms and mercy asking Him to help us, He cannot refuse. Even in difficulty He will dwell in us shaping our own wayward hearts into the likeness of His own. I am thankful of all that God has done in my life,i have grown and allowed Him to shape me. I thank Him for UCKG,for Godllywood for through this i have learnt what i once did not know and His Spirit enabled me to take heed.
Thank you Mrs Tania for this message
This made me to reflect on myself.God knows everything about us,our true colors so what use is it to deceive others at home or at church.When you are of God you represent Him everywhere,you have the character of God.The more we show who we are and ask God to help us to change the better for us
This message helped me to do an introspection on what character do i show to people who am i
Really this post is an eye opener to me to put my effort to grow more and show much about the charter of God at all time..
I keep coming back to this post and am reminded of being sincere
Am back again
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