Love for souls
It’s of no use to be in the church, helping in the meetings if you don’t feel an immense love for souls. The person who serves God on the altar gives herself completely for the people, she doesn’t accept to see the peoples lives in ruins, their souls lost and far from salvation.
This is the main reason to serve God on the altar, the care of the people, the constant prayers and fasting in favor of others, to forget oneself and give yourself for the people.
Analyze your heart and see if in reality you feel that desire to help those who are suffering and far from the kingdom of God, see if you really have that thirst to win souls for God.
How frequently do you talk about Jesus? How often do you sit with a person at church and attend to them and help them spiritually? How often do you make a purpose for the people of your church without thinking of your own needs?
If you’re an assistant, what kind have you been? The one who is really pretty in the meeting and after rushes to go home or rushes to go and talk to your friends, or are you the last one to leave the church, in search of someone to help?
Those chosen for the altar their focus is souls, because without a doubt the person who is saved desires to save others.
“Again Jesus said, Simon son of John, do you truly love me? He answered, Yes, Lord, you know that I love you. Jesus said, Take care of my sheep. John 21:16
P.S Friends we are going to pause this series since the entire Universal Church is living the month of the Holy Spirit. Lets focus all of our faith and lives to being filled with the Holy Spirit. I will be back on April 18th with this series of “ Those Chosen for the Altar”
God bless you all!
A great message and truly a blessing that is clearing up and revealing things that are helping me in my life.
Hello this is a very strong spiritual message. A real eye opener of who you want to be.
Clear, Simple, & well explained:) In my part, I feel like I need to act more. I know that I have the desire to save souls(give what I've recieved) but not necessarily be a pastors wife and all but I feel like I need to do more. A lot of the times we try to find others to escort with us because we don't want to do things alone and ect, when in reality Jesus is by our side. Also, we need to learn to be independent and not look to our right or left but to keep focused and know that the one that we are serving is God and not worry about what anyone else is doing. But focus on pleasing God and serving him with our life and excel in everything we do each day that goes by. It's what I think and may Gods will be done<3
I have been focusing more on my ultimate goal which is to please God. And for God to recognizes me when I pass away. I am trying to fix the bad habits and replace them with ones that of Jesus. from the way I speak to the way I think. I really want to please him so i will be returning for more on these tips. I can't forget about his sheep. Thanks!
I have been focusing more on my ultimate goal which is to please God. And for God to recognizes me when I pass away. I am trying to fix the bad habits and replace them with ones that of Jesus. from the way I speak to the way I think. I really want to please him so i will be returning for more on these tips. I can't forget about his sheep. Thanks!
This is very strong tell me if im willing to serve God yes we need to love souls.
I have been focusing more on my ultimate goal which is to please God. And for God to recognizes me when I pass away. I am trying to fix the bad habits and replace them with ones that of Jesus. from the way I speak to the way I think. I really want to please him so i will be returning for more on these tips. I can't forget about his sheep. Thanks!
Very Helpful blog to remind me to stay focus on our mission the love for souls and to save souls if we really want to serve God in the altar.
thank you very much for the Reminder..thank you
What you've written is true because many come only for the desire of their hearts, never to save the souls sitting next to them, and I think by analyzing ones self we can really see if our hearts are in the right place. Thank you
Puleng Ngoato (Brixton UK)
Thank You
What i learnt is that i i really want to serve my God I must show him because a person who says wants to serve God with her life she or he must have the love of souls.i learnt i must not just have the desire in my heart but i must show him how much i want him to use me in he's work.
Dear Mrs Tania
I remember that when I became born of God the first sign was the Love for the souls, once I was sure of my salvation I wanted others to be saved.
Dear Mrs tania
Serving on alter has its own challenges but if am there to save souls nothing can stand on my way,our joy is to see people being born of the holy spirit,blessed,healed and free from the evil spirits
With love
Dear Mrs Tania,
Exactly what we came here for: saving souls. This souls that are lost, that we have to take care of are there so that we can help them to receive their salvation. And talking to people about Jesus shows how passionate we are to save souls to our Lord.
Thank you
This is very powerful. If i say i love God and i am saved and i don't have love for others, to lead them to salvation; i lie to myself. Because those who are saved they save others.
The person who serves God on the altar gives herself completely for the people.The main reason to serve God on the altar is to - care for the people,make prayers and fasting in favor of others,if we love God we must take care of his people
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