In one of those parties, a friend introduced me to the person that would be the key for the devil to bring me to my destruction, he was everything any young girl could dream of, with his 2 meters of height he caught everyone’s attention from the moment he walked in, he was charming and could talk about any kind of subject. The devil knew what I wanted in a man and in that moment he offered it to me on a silver platter, plus the devil knew my mother had changed her tactic, she no longer cried for me, now she was using her faith believing she would be victorious. The devil had to act quickly and his shot had to be exact, he couldn’t mess up.
I thought I had found my other half, it was love at first sight and the most interesting thing was that he lived right by my house and I had never seen him, now I know that God doesn’t let us see what he knows can cause us to separate from Him and He also makes us invisible at times to protect us, but now I didn’t have this protection, I could see everything this world had to offer. We began to date without my family knowing, obviously, that’s when I noticed that this perfect man wasn’t all that perfect after all; he drank more than the usual, he was addicted to night clubs, he was with me but also went out with other women, we suffered a lot because we wanted to be together, but we weren’t made for each other, it was a relationships with lots of ups and downs and on top of it all I was dying inside because I didn’t feel complete far away from God and the UCKG, I had to go back!
I decided to return, I broke things off with my boyfriend and went back to the UCKG in pieces, but God received me with arms wide open. I began to participate and when I least expected it I was back in my first love with God. Time passed by and I was raised an assistant, I was very happy. But like always the devil began to put thoughts in my mind like “until when will you be alone? There isn’t anyone in the church that you like, now what?”
It was then that feelings of anxiety and doubt began to rise, that day I even sat in the street and like a crazy person began to talk to God out loud and this was my prayer : “Oh, God I know that I have sinned against you, that I was rebellious and all of the above, but I am sure that I was forgiven and because of this I don’t accept to sin or sadden you God over something I am sure you will give me, starting today I will wait, because I know my God is faithful! Oh Lord he can look any way you want him to physically all I ask is that he be crazy about you, that’s enough for me, amen! “
A year later a new family came to my church and there he was, the man God moved the earth and the skies to bring me my future husband, and its beyond saying that my other half that God gave me humiliated the devils offer, because the man God had for me is complete, handsome on the inside and outside. This time I knew how to wait and in return God gave me the best of the harvest. He was raised as an assistant and immediately asked me to be his girlfriend, a week later we were dating, two months later he asked me to marry him and five months later we were happily married.
We were called to serve God on the altar and now we have been married for 11 years and we do the work of God in the United States.
Fifth advice: Don’t make illusions in your head or create fairytales, instead use your intelligent faith, Don’t allow yourself to be fooled with nice and sweet words, anyone can say them and place lots of attention in the guys character and his spiritual condition.
I really agree with the fact that God makes us blind to certain people or things, or sometimes he makes us invisible. So many times I have walked alone at nights and yet God always took care of me. And it is always best to wait in God, like someone wrote before, God is just creating our romance story, we just have to be patient for it all to happen. God bless you!
God knows whats best for us, but he wants it to be his time and not ours. When we see Gods plans complete in our lives, we are able to look back and thank him for making us complete. God wants to give us our desires of our hearts the problem is we are not always ready to trust him our desires.
When we are very concerned about any area of our life is very easy to be deceived by the devil, he presents a "perfect solution" and we do not refer to God and desperate accept the first option that often seems perfect, but soon after comes the consequences that always make us suffer because this is the devil's desire and function.
Be alert, not everything that glitters is gold.
God knows the time and the right person and always wants the best for us and that there is no doubt.
thank you Mrs Tania for this post they are really helping me, this story in particular is strong because she left the church and the presence of God,. Who is better to give us the ONE for us than God. No body but God Himself He knows each one of us, and I agree with Edith above ,God is creating our romance story so thank you for this...
Magdelina Australia
Amen, I love this story because when God wants you, he wants you, no one can break his will no matter what, you are used greatly, and he works in marvelous ways.
I really like what you said that God sometimes make us invisible to protect that, I have never thank HIm for that =)
God sees far beyond where we see so it is so important to trust in His timing. Love life is the area that most people become anxious about. There is a time for everything. Thanks for this message.
Love life... is that one area the devil use to destroy our life. Just like Asst Rosie said there is a time for everything. But what we tend to do is make our time God time, and this is were the devil come to manipulate our minds and heart. We need to watch a pray.. the devil does not care who you are, and he has in mind is to destroy. We are humans are yes we do have the desire to be with someone, but if we let our flesh rule over our spirit then we are in trouble.
I believe the best thing is to ask God for help. For him to give us strength daily for us to remove all false emotions.
p.s I really enjoyed reading this testimony xx
Sometimes we're more occupied of the HOW will things happen than the actual fact that they will. God has things under control and it's up to us to just trust in Him.
Well I have been in the church 13 years and got lost fell for a muslim, the worst thing i ever did. My life became hell, i had to come back crwalling to God. This time around am not going anywhere.
This message is very inspiring.
Thank you for sharing this message.
Hi Mrs.Tania,
Thank you for sharing this inspiring story.
all we have to do is keep on trusting God,because God knows what is best for us.
Very nice story Mrs. tania! An inspiration and motivation to wait for the right time... God bless
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