I remember when God chose us to come to The United States to do his work; I had only been married for one year.
I was very young, with no experience, but one thing I was sure of; that God was with me and that I wanted to save souls and be used by Him.
In that moment my heart became very glad, but my stomach tightened because I imagined going to a far away place, unknown and in fact I did not even speak the language, but none of those things were barriers for me. My desire to serve was much greater than all those obstacles.
My family did not take the news very well because they were not waiting for news like this; I think they never imagined such a thing. I remember that in those times, nobody supported me, not my parents nor my sister, they only thought in the distance and about how I would be so far away from them.
The only words that I would have like to have heard were: " Go with God daughter of mine, and your going to be GREAT!” but on the contrary all the time I heard: " Don't go, stay here with us!"
I know they said those things out of love but in that moment I would have liked to feel some support and approval of behalf of my family, so then my happiness could have been complete.
After a show of tears, they realized that I had made my choice and there was no going back. I never doubted for one minute, I would go where God was sending me. Thank God, time passed and they finally understood my decision.
It is easy to act when everything is in your favor, when everyone supports you and understands you. But what about when nobody is on your side? Do you stay firm in your faith, in your beliefs, or on the contrary do you end up doubting?
Do you react and continue forward or do you go back and give up?
SO helpful! thanks for your daily encouregement. May God bless you.
Rosario, Argentina.
love this Big Sister!
Sometimes the current can be our emotions that many times go against our faith. Thank you very much for sharing this message with us,
wow this is very helpful this show me when i have no way out to fine a way..to go against any fear or if everyone turn on me to keep my head up :D this is very greaT thank YOU...
cristine mejil
Sometimes Currents come strong but your faith has to be stonger..
It is very easy to say that were in faith firm when everything is going just right, but to some people right when battles kicks in, then they forget about all the faith they had when everything was going right. This is the time to really show if we are truly from God! Because if we are truly from God than even when battles and struggles comes we have to persevere and endure strong in our faith, our faith has to be stronger than all of the battles and hardships. This is an eye opener!
We really have to have trust and faith in God. Im sure you felt upset because your leaving your family and everything but at the same time happy because your following someone great and going to do His work. We truly have to go by faith.
There are times when the current is against us, but we have to act by faith. Thank you for sharing this message.
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