Monday 29 June 2015

Lamentations of Tânia

When I first came to the Universal Church at 16 years old, I was completely ignorant of spiritual things, although I was of a certain religion, I had no knowledge of the word of God and did not know anything.

Whenever it was time to talk to God, I did not know to use faith, so I used the feelings.

I thought, I will cry in prayer, that will touch His feelings, then He will take pity on me and will answer me, after all he is a loving Father!

What a great mistake, but I was giving my first steps in faith, I did not know how God works, that I was mistaken, God works with faith, not feelings.
While I acted that way, I did not receive anything until I understood I needed to use my faith,only then would I have the answer.

How many people in the church are like that, maybe you're one of them, that is always whining, crying in their prayers so God takes pity on you, but they never act their faith and so do not get the results from it. Remember, without faith it is impossible to reach God.

Dear friends, let us get out of this poor and without vision state, and do what really works, let's stop whining and using emotional strategies that lead nowhere and use what is most precious that God has given us, our faith, for without it we will not have anything, not even His presence, for everything comes by faith and through faith.

How about you, will you carry on whining or will use your faith?
Let me know!
God bless you all.

Sunday 28 June 2015


Who hasn’t heard about a “great diet” like the Soup diet or the Moon diet? How about the Grapefruit diet? Or even worst the pregnant women’s urine diet! Truth is that there are plenty of diets out there, some less tolerable than others. Now it’s not clever to follow diets that are extremely restrictive or drastic. Our bodies go into “starvation mode” when we don’t eat enough, and eventually our metabolic rate declines. Besides crash dieting will lead you to feel fatigued, and you’ll find it hard to concentrate. Not to mention you’ll gain the weight you lost in no time. In other words, avoid crash dieting. Women who exercise regularly (3-5x per week) need at least 1,500 calories a day. So both exercise and a balanced diet are much more beneficial that the latest fad diet.

Cecilia Fernandes

Saturday 27 June 2015

Do not burden your children

 Hello darlings, how are you?
 We will continue on our study on the topic mothers and children, which can be applied not only to physical children but also spiritual children.
 Very often we put very heavy burdens on our children and require them to do things which they are not prepared to.
For example sometimes mothers have such a busy, a lot of times even unbalanced lives, just delegating responsibilities to the children that are not for their age. And so, they often don’t get the job done, no matter how hard they try to help, and a seed of failure takes root in them, making they doubt their abilities and feel useless.
A lot of times we want to delegate tasks which they are not mature enough to perform.
Each child matures on their own time, noticed that we don’t all start walking, talking etc., at the same age!
 This reveals that every human being has his own time to maturity, which we must follow and understand its development.
 For mothers who have more than one child the secret is to deal with each according to his way of being, not making comparisons but encouraging the less mature to appreciate the one which is more mature, thus preventing 2 problems, between you and your child and your child with their sibling(s).
 How many children who engage in a certain activity with all their strength and all of a sudden, they completely lose it?
 The Word of God says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit."
 God has given us a spirit of moderation, not imbalance.
 Dear Mother, let our special Friend, the Holy Spirit, guide you in everything you do in order to avoid many problems and even internal conflicts.
 We need God to establish good relationships, and learn to be sensitive to each moment that our children are going through.
 Specially since a lot f the times the one who needs maturing is you, mom!!!
 And never make the mistake of passing on the burden that you received from your parents, so that does not become a cycle, but act and make things different, and you will be breaking this evil that has been acting from generation to generation.
 You can do things differently, do you know how? By being different!!
 Let us put all our strength in this, and here is an excellent opportunity for you who want the miracle in the life of your son or daughter, the sacrifice creates life and the Altar is our answer.
 "No sacrifice, no fire. No fire, no Glory"
 Do you want to see this glory? Sacrifice!
 My son is a result of our surrender on the Altar, it was the sacrifice that brought life.
 Leave your comments here and share your experiences, as well as adding in someone else’s, it could save souls and that is our only goal!

 Sweet Kisses

Catia Rubim

Friday 26 June 2015

The great day has come!

Hello dear, is everything alright with you? I will continue the previous posts.  You who have not read them take a moment to read the previous ones, in order to understand the story, okay? As I said before, she no longer manifested but was far from being totally free. Many people mistakenly think that by not manifesting they are fully delivered. In fact the worst demons are those who do not manifest. Then you may ask, how do I know if the person is free? A tree is known by its fruit; they are visible! Because she didn’t manifest anymore, she became complacent and thought that she no longer needed change. In reality the root of the problem was yet to be revealed, and she was the only one who could do it. She decided to apply for the Rush. Have you heard about it? Surely yes! I was very happy; I saw an opportunity for her to change. In the first month of her tasks I saw her doing them with the strength of her arm; and she did not fully take any of that to heart. 
I explained to her that that way the tasks would not make any difference in her life because she would not get what God had best for her spiritual growth. In the second month she behaved in a way that did not match with what she had been taught. Of course I could not let it go, I love her very much. For the sake of her soul and because I love even more God's work I had to tell the leadership. I really wanted it to be seen as a unique opportunity for each of us, so I grabbed mine with all the strength of my soul. At no time I would let it go just so she would not leave the group. I always saw her as a soul and that gave me strength and wisdom to always put my feelings aside. God is so good that she was given another opportunity, but she did not even grab it and ended up excluding herself from the group without the need of someone excluding her. From there began her war because she fell on reality!

Almost a year went by without her surrendering a 100%. I just prayed for her because there was nothing else to do; and I let my life and my faith speak for myself. At the time she was upset that I told her misbehavior to the leadership, but I knew that later on she would thank me. I placed her on the Altar and knew that my answer would come from it. I already had seen a change so I began to see a transformation in her; and I saw her surrender day by day. I was very happy because I was beginning to see the first fruits of my prayers, of my tears and my trust in God. Gradually her transformation was visible and she began to be interested in the things of God and winning souls. Her conduct, her attitudes, and behavior were no longer the same! When I was given this challenge of writing for mothers and children, God placed in my heart to share this experience. Although she’s my sister I always cared for her as a daughter. You know, the extraordinary happened this month, she was baptized with the Holy Spirit. What a joy!
Never give up on a soul, especially of that of your children. Do not give up! For you mother who is going through a tough moment, do not to be intimidated. Do your part and our God will not fail with doing His. All you are going through will only serve so that tomorrow you’ll be here sharing your victory. I believe so! Leave your comment here! If you have any doubt or suggestion feel free to leave them here! And let’s share as much as possible, so that then we will be winning souls. Sweet kisses.

Catia Rubim

Friday 19 June 2015

The glory was given to someone else!

Depending on compliments and acknowledgements is a problem that needs to be under control, many people including servants of God, in order to feel accepted and confident, they submit to that, and this is not good.
Who does not like to receive compliments? It seems it works as encouragement so that a person may feel more self-confident, secure and it even boosts her self-esteem, it brings that sensation that they are on the right path and doing things correctly.
The problem is when one depends on compliments, approval or acknowledgements to take action to move forward, that cannot happen.
Do you remember when we were children? Whenever we did something good, like getting good grades at school, or tried something new, our parents used to praise us with the intention to keep us going, helping us to lose our fears and see what we were able to achieve.
But from the moment we became adults we should no longer depend on those incentives anymore, so we must develop our self-confidence and that is independence.
Those who got so used to compliments and no longer receive them surely will get sad, frustrated and disappointed.

In the work of God is no different, and maybe you have got it wrong in this sense. Let me ask you something: did you ever do something good and in the end another person took the “glory”? That is, the compliments which were meant for you went to her instead?
It happened to me. I also did things to help someone and to this day she does not know that I was the one who did it for her. But the second question is: how do you react to it?
Did you get outraged, sad, disappointed, with the feeling of shouting to the four winds that you were the one who did it, the mentor, the one who got the idea, or were you just happy for collaborating with the work of God, without caring who got the acknowledgements?
Your answer will show if you are a person who craves for compliments and approval to feel accepted and acknowledged, or you do not need it, but your intention is to collaborate with the work of God, without being worried with rewards, so your reward comes from God.
So friends, never give up on doing what you got to do or what God inspires you to do, with compliments or without them, you are being used by Him, being that the major acknowledgement you may receive, being SERVANT of the Almighty God.
Do not forget every Friday I post something about the work of God. Kisses!

"So that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
Matthew 6:4

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Full of herself

All servants are aware that their lives are surrendered to their Lord and that they are subject to His will. In fact there are many who obey, but deep within, they are full of their own desires and are always dissatisfied for not agreeing with what God has determined for their lives.

It is something like this: "I'm here, but I really wanted to be there"; "I take care of this, but my desire is to take care of something else"; "I was told to do this, I did it, but I know my place is not doing it" for these people the work has become theirs and no longer God’s.

I don’t know if you understand the point I’m making. The person even does what they are supposed to, they obey what is asked, but inside they do not accept it, do not agree with it, and so they do not do it wholeheartedly, or do it as a means to eventually reaching their personal dream. 

In other words their intention is not to carry out the will of God, but deep down to reach their own, behind what is done there is always a will, their own desire, something they want to gain to feel accomplished.

It is not really to glorify God, but to carry out their own wishes, their dreams.

What is the use in saying, I want to to be in the center of God’s will, if in reality we don’t want to do His will but ours?

Think about it and see if you have had pleasure in submitting yourself to God’s will, or if you have done His will only by obligation, when in reality what you want is to do yours.

Leave your comments below.

May God bless you all!

Monday 15 June 2015

Do you have faith or hope?

I see many people mistake faith by hope. But then what is the difference between the two and which of these have we been using?

As we know faith is active, I cannot say I have faith and do not take action, be a passive person. Those who have faith believe and this conviction leads one to act, to take action act, to risk.

Hope, however, is totally passive, the person hopes to one day achieve something, but that does not mean they will actually do something about it, that is merely wait idly, hoping that one day God will remember her and everything will happen without then having to do anything.

But does that mean hope is a bad thing? Not at all, but it is not faith, and therefore, it cannot bring in any result.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen." Hebrews 11

You can see in the verse that faith brings us the assurance of what we hope for, and without it, one cannot be sure. There may be hope, but not conviction.

Faith leads you to doing chains of prayer, purposes with God, praying at dawn, fasting, taking action, because they are sure that God will honor their attitude of faith.

Hope is a feeling, it does not move you to do anything, just hope that one day something will happen. Meanwhile, you will be suffering, stuck, and will not use your faith, as you are content to have hope, it's like dreaming that something will happen and feel comforted by this notion, but the Bible does not say that hope is assurance or conviction.
Being that hope does not guarantee you anything, but faith guarantees us the answer, the miracle, the realization of what we want.

Faith is sure, hope is an expectation. Faith is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, because we need him to have supernatural faith, hope everyone has, they do not need the Holy Spirit because it is not something supernatural.

For example, if the person is ill and hopes that one day they will improve, this is not something real, because every patient has hope of a cure, but if the person uses their faith to be healed, they it will achieve it immediately.

So darlings, we use our faith and overcome our limits, because whenever we reach our limit, the power of faith springs into action.

Stay in faith!
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